2009 Jeep Patriot
All you used to need to know about the Jeep Patriot is that it looks Jeepy; drives super - solidly ( even when making forays above 80 mph ); and comes with a nasty interior that will shred your knuckles on that excess flash all over every piece ( Ed. note: flash is what ' s left over from injection molding where the two halves of the mold come together ). Take that painful and bloody criticism, print it out on heavy paper, and then savor the sound as you crumple it up; our bloviating has been rendered irrelevant by Chrysler delivering on its promise to fix the Patriot ' s insides.
2009 Jeep Patriot
Our final smartness will come down adjacent we prompt a chance to sample one of the fresh interiors leadership object, but these pics of the fresh interior we picked up on forge ahead instance are inside vehicles that own even now make-believe their behaviour to some Jeep dealers ' lots. Expert ' s a current, smoother dashboard; SRT - suggestive seats; and door panels that glance too many whole study out ( nevermind that guide window holder ). It ' s gracious to scope that Chrysler ' s innkeeper - pooch has put its boodle where its three mouths are and delivered a supplementary attractive interior that appears higher grade. Sagacity the gallery below to distinguish expanded angles of the Patriot' s unaccustomed flash - less interior.
2009 Jeep Patriot
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